Localization infrastructure made for fast-paced startups.

Languine automates localization within your developer workflow and pipeline, ensuring translations never hold you up.

◇ What would you like to do?│ Initialize a new Languine configuration│ Let's set up your i18n configuration◇ What is your source language?│ English◇ What languages do you want to translate to?│ es, pt, fr◇ Where should language files be stored?│ src/locales/[locale].json◇ What format should language files use?│ ● TypeScript (.ts)│ ○ JSON (.json)│ ○ YAML (.yml, .yaml)│ ○ Java Properties (.properties)│ ○ Android (.xml)│ ○ iOS Strings (.strings)│ ○ iOS Stringsdict (.stringsdict)│ ○ iOS XCStrings (.xcstrings)│ ○ Markdown (.md)│ ○ MDX (.mdx)│ ○ HTML (.html)│ ○ JavaScript (.js)│ ○ Gettext PO (.po)│ ○ XLIFF (.xlf, .xliff)│ ○ CSV (.csv)│ ○ XML (.xml)│ ○ Flutter ARB (.arb)└ Configuration file and language files created successfully!◇ languine translate│ Translating to Spanish (es)...│ Translating to Portuguese (pt)...│ Translating to French (fr)...└ Successfully translated to 3 languages!


Automated Translations

Say goodbye to manual translation work. Languine automates the entire process, ensuring your app stays multilingual without slowing you down.

CLI & CI/CD Integration

Use our powerful CLI to manage translations directly or seamlessly integrate Languine into your existing CI/CD pipeline for a fully automated workflow.

Markdown & Document Support

Keep your documentation and content up to date across languages. Languine translates markdown files effortlessly, maintaining consistency across your workflow.

Fine-Tuning for Brand Voice

Customize translations to match your brand’s tone and voice. Languine gives you full control over nuances, ensuring your message stays on point.

GitHub Action

Automate localization directly within GitHub. Our GitHub Action ensures your translations stay in sync with every commit and deployment.

Language & Framework Agnostic

Works with any i18n library. Keep your existing setup and simply add Languine for automated translations without disrupting your workflow.

Smart Translation

  • Intelligent translation with context awareness
  • Brand voice and tone consistency
  • Terminology management
  • Advanced linguistic features
  • Real-time translation updates
  • Translation overrides


  • Quick setup and integration
  • Invite team members
  • Fine tune settings
  • Choose languages

Developer Experience

  • Command-line interface
  • CI/CD integration
  • Github Actions
  • Developer workflow
  • Great documentation

Workflow (CI/CD Pipeline) [pro]

Our translation engine seamlessly integrates into your existing CI/CD pipeline, automatically translating your codebase on every push. When code changes are pushed, we analyze the modified content, maintain your translation memory, and generate accurate translations while preserving your brand voice and terminology. The translations are then submitted as pull requests, allowing for review before being merged into your main branch and deployed. This automated workflow ensures your localized content stays in sync with development.

                                  │   Git Push    │
             │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Languine Engine ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
            ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
           │                              │                              │
           ▼                              ▼                              ▼
 ╔═══════════════════╗          ╔═══════════════════╗          ╔═══════════════════╗
 ║                   ║          ║                   ║          ║                   ║
 ║      English      ║          ║      Spanish      ║          ║      Japanese     ║
 ║    Translation    ║          ║    Translation    ║          ║     Translation   ║
 ║                   ║          ║                   ║          ║                   ║
 ╚═══════════════════╝          ╚═══════════════════╝          ╚═══════════════════╝
           │                              │                              │
                                  │     Merge     │
                                  │ Pull Request  │
                              │      Completed      │
                              │      (Deploy)       │
Get started

Localization infrastructure made for fast-paced startups.

Languine automates localization within your developer workflow and pipeline, ensuring translations never hold you up.